What are you working on? Simon Helleputte

What are you working on? Simon Helleputte

What are you working on? Simon Helleputte is a PhD student at Ghent University. His research focuses on cardiovascular health in Type 1 Diabetes. Click here for more information: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3281-1679 or https://www.researchgate.net/project/Glycemic-control-variability-arterial-stiffness-exercise-capacity-and-cardiovascular-disease-in-type-1-diabetes-and-its-modulation-by-high-intensity-interval-exercise-training

What are you working on? PD Dr Elena Osto

What are you working on? PD Dr Elena Osto

What are you working on? Elena Osto a Cardiologist and Leader of a cardio-metabolic research group. She specialises in #endothelium #metabolism and function in immuno-metabolic disarrangements. Click here for a recent co-authored ESC position paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32282914/ Elena Osto will be explain all about this subject in Webinar 6 next week. Don’t miss it! Register here!