Science Buddy Program

The Science Buddy Program aims to provide education for young people on blood vessels and blood vessel ageing (vascular ageing) as well as insight into the life as a scientist.

Find below some educational material, developed in collaboration with budding young scientists. You can also find our virtual letterbox, where we have scientists from all around the world waiting to answer your questions on heart and blood vessel health.

The Science Buddy Program includes:

Further informational material for the general public can be found here:

Educational Material

Virtual Letterbox

Got a question for our VascAgeNet scientists about healthy arteries, healthy living, or just science in general? Send them a letter and one of our very friendly VascAgeNet scientists will reply to you as soon as they can!

Please submit your question here:

Super Heart Animation. Educational animation for children by VascAgeNet

Find the animation in more languages: Animation by RIVA Illustrations.

Have your arteries aged? Board by VascAgeNet

Graphic by RIVA Illustrations.
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