In the following, you can find a list of offers of host institutions which would be happy to host a potential STSM grantee. Feel free to contact them for a joint STSM application to be submitted here.
Do you want to host a potential STSM grantee? Let us know how he/she could get involved in your research team! Please fill in the form here.
Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC-INSERM U970)
Host institution | Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC-INSERM U970) |
Country | France |
Contact | Rosa Maria Bruno (rosa-maria.bruno [at] |
Details host institution | PARCC is born in 2009 from Université Paris Descartes and the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) 12 Research Units, It includes >250 researchers, running projects spanning basic molecular and cellular biology to integrated physiology and pathophysiology, biomarkers, genetics and epidemiology, with the goal of furthering the understanding of major cardiovascular disease, including atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure and sudden cardiac death, with a focus on translational research. |
Technologies and equipment available and in use at the host institution | PARCC team 7 ‘s vascular lab owns and uses virtually all non-invasive techniques for the study of vascular function and structure in humans: pulse wave velocity (by tonometry, oscillometry, ballistocardiography, photopletismography, laser-doppler vibrometry), large-, medium- and small-sized artery geometry and distensibility (standard ultrasound, radiofrequency, ultra-high frequency ultrasound, ultrafast ultrasound), endothelial function by flow-mediated dilation), atherosclerosis assessment (automated ultrasound image analysis, photoacustics), central hemodynamics. This group is often involved in development and validation of novel technologies for vascular aging assessment. |
Brief description of a proposed research project | The researcher will contribute to vascular measurements, data acquisition and management in the COVID-19 effects on ARTErial StIffness and vascular AgiNg (CARTESIAN) study. Fro more information: The CARTESIAN is an international study, launched by the Artery Society with the support of the COST Action VascAgeNet, which will follow-up COVID-19 survivors by using a number of non-invasive biomarkers of vascular aging, in order to gain knowledge about long-term consequences of COVID-19 and set up appropriate preventive strategies. |
Preferred period to host STSMs | Flexible arrangements can be made due to current pandemic situation |
Preferred duration to host STSMs | Does not matter |
CBIOS - Research structure of COFAC/Universidade Lusófona
Host institution | CBIOS – Research structure of COFAC/Universidade Lusófona |
Country | Portugal |
Contact | Luis Monteiro Rodrigues (monteiro.rodrigues [at] |
Details host institution | Details host institution CBIOS is a research structure of COFAC/Universidade Lusófona dedicated to health sciences, part of the National Science and Technology Network (FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology). CBIOS includes 22 integrated (full) members, 18 PhD students, 12 collaborators and a wide institutional and organizational collaborative network. Our mission is centered in promoting tranversal interdisciplinary work in 5 competence domains – Modeling Systems (ModSys), Development of Delivery Systems (DDS), Natural Bioactives (Bio.Natural), Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (PMM) and Nutrition and Health Promotion (NHP). |
Technologies and equipment available and in use at the host institution | The Modelling Systems lab is basically a microcirculatory physiology and pathophysiology research lab. The group has a special interest on the modelling (human as animal) of the neuroregulatory cross-talk evoked by a) functional testing interventions (e.g. active hyperemia), b) movement and posture biomechanics (gait, exercise) and c) baseline perfusion asymmetries. This lab also has a broad and extensive experience in advanced training providing a wide access to a variety of exploratory techniques including late generation optical plethysmography, accelerometry, laser Doppler flowmetry, Optical spectroscopy and transcutaneous gazometry. A state-of-the art photoacoustic system is soon expected . A number of dynamical methodologies (physiological models) have been developed and compared in our laboratory by application in both animal and human models. And several related analytical tools are being currently explored. Complementary, this lab also offers additional training in many other non invasive instruments and methods to assess human skin. |
Brief description of a proposed research project | At the discretion of the applicant. |
Preferred period to host STSMs | July 2021 to October 2021 |
Preferred duration to host STSMs | 1-2 months |
University of Surrey
Host institution | University of Surrey |
Country | UK |
Contact | Christian Heiss (c.heiss [at] |
Details host institution | University of Surrey, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine |
Technologies and equipment available and in use at the host institution | In the current project, we will use several non-invasive technologies to measure blood pressure, blood flow and arterial stiffness. The equipment used will include ultrasound (FMD), blood pressure (arteriograph, OMRON), PWV (Arteriograph, iHeart), blood flow (PPG), other sensors (Shimmer sensor kit). |
Brief description of a proposed research project | The project will be part of a project supported by an ESRC Healthy Ageing Catalyst Award (to Prof. Heiss, Co-Is: Prof. Aston, Dr. Sporea, Prof. Skene, Dr. Birch) in collaboration with King’s College London (Dr. Alastruey-Arimon, Dr. Manasi), Cambridge (Dr. Charlton) and Surrey Sensors. The goal of the research project is to develop a wearable sensor to monitor vascular ageing including arterial stiffness and blood pressure. The experimental work will include taking measurements in a group of healthy people at various ages in different positions of the body combining measurements of multiple sensors. The protocol was already submitted to University Ethics Committee and approval is imminent. The data analysis and modeling will be supported by KCL and Cambridge researchers. |
Preferred period to host STSMs | February-April 2021 |
Preferred duration to host STSMs | < 3 Months |
Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), Girona, Spain
Host institution | Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) |
Country | Spain |
Contact | Olga Tura Ceide (olgaturac [at] |
Details host institution | The Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) is a CERCA research center of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain whose purpose is to promote, develop, transfer, manage and disseminate biomedical research, scientific and technological knowledge, teaching, and training in the areas of life and health sciences. IDIBGI is structured with its own research groups and research personnel in the field of health and biomedical research, and researchers from the Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital (HUJT), the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS), the Institut d’Assistència Sanitària (IAS), the Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI), the Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), the Banc de Sang i Teixits (BST), the Universitat de Girona (UdG), the Escola Universitària de la Salut i Esports (EUSES) and the Institut d’Investigació en Atenció Primària (IDIAP) Jordi Gol in Girona. The IDIBGI facilities at the Parc Hospitalari Martí i Julià in Salt host part of the research laboratories and personnel who, along with the rest of the researchers from the associated institutions, form multidisciplinary teams with different expertise, focused on finding synergies and solutions to the societal health challenges through translational research. |
Technologies and equipment available and in use at the host institution | The respiratory research group led by Olga Tura at IDIBGI is complemented by intense clinical activity and a clinical team specialized in OSA from the Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta of Girona with all the necessary material to carry out the group’s studies. Likewise, it has the equipment and facilities to carry out examinations for the clinical characterization of patients (functional respiratory examination, echocardiography, radiology and ECG, sleep study unit with the necessary equipment to perform polysomnography, CPAP titration, and nocturnal pulse oximetry between. The group has also a fully equipped basic research laboratory located at the IDIBGI. This laboratory has all the necessary equipment to carry out cell culture and vascular aging studies, immunofluorescence, functional migration, proliferation, molecular and metabolism assays. This Respiratory Group is promoting, together with primary care physicians, a group of expert patients and is frequently invited to speak to the public through the media. These facts have led to exchanges of opinions and the explicit support of citizens and patients in this project. The researchers involved in this proposal not only have excellence for their scientific production but also meet the principles of the strategy regarding human resources such as gender equality and age heterogeneity. The results of this study will surely promote the scientific dissemination of the group, greater international visibility contributing to possible alliances in the future.. |
Brief description of a proposed research project | To date, few studies have focused on investigating endothelial dysfunction and vascular aging in patients with mild-moderate OSA. Currently, there is no known biomarker or pattern of biomarkers that identify the presence and severity of endothelial dysfunction and vascular aging or its relevance in clinical practice. This fact highlights the need to deepen the study of vascular pathogenesis in OSAS and the implementation of this knowledge to new treatments and biomarkers. This study will reveal the molecular fingerprints of endothelial dysfunction in these patients and represents an important advance in finding new therapeutic targets aimed at improving their quality of life and that of our society. This study is a translational proposal with a high transfer capacity since it will elucidate new knowledge criteria in OSA and allow the identification of new therapeutic strategies for personalized treatment to prevent and/or correct endothelial dysfunction in these patients. The proposal focuses on markers of cell early aging, metabolism, and endothelial function. The demonstration that these new biomarkers reliably reflect the underlying disease pathology will provide clinically useful new tools for rapid diagnosis for disease assessment and for monitoring treatment effects. The availability of these new biomarkers will facilitate early detection of the disease and allow more precise monitoring of the patient. This will benefit patients in terms of better management of the disease and eventually a better life expectancy. |
Preferred period to host STSMs | Does not matter |
Preferred duration to host STSMs | – |
Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Host institution | Sarajevo School of Science and Technology |
Country | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Contact | Mirsada Causevic (mirsada.causevic [at] |
Details host institution | The University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) was established in 2004 as the first private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina where teaching and exams are conducted in English. Initially, it started as a university focused on IT, computer and engineering sciences, but has since expanded to include departments of Film Academy, Political Science and International Relations, Economics, Medicine with Dentistry and Pharmacy, as well as the UK accredited Game Design and Development programme. Dedicated to providing quality education, as well as international competitiveness and recognition, the SSST established collaboration with the University of Buckingham (in the UK), requiring the SSST to meet the academic standards of the University of Buckingham and the United Kingdom (QAA – Quality Assurance Agency standards) and offering students a dual degree. Since the signing ceremony of the collaboration agreement between the SSST and the University of Buckingham, the SSST has strived to attain excellence. Moreover, the faculty is actively engaged in research within their fields, ensuring that they are on the cutting edge of research as well as innovative teaching methodologies. In addition to the rigorous academic standards and quality assurance from the University of Buckingham, students graduate from the SSST with fluency in two languages – English and German – to better prepare them and make them more competitive locally and internationally. Likewise, all students must have a minor in addition to their major field of study, allowing them to further strengthen their skills and knowledge. |
Technologies and equipment available and in use at the host institution | We offer training in the molecular biology techniques which are used in our project (please see below), including genomic DNA extraction from human leukocytes, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the amplification of the human VKORC1 gene, restriction endonuclease enzyme application for the characterisation of the VKORC1 gene polymorphism ((-1639G>A). This method is altogether known as polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism, PCR-RFLP. All equipment and reagents necessary for this analysis are available at our University. |
Brief description of a proposed research project | Our current project titled – Characterisation of the role of the VKORC1 gene polymorphism and the development of thromboembolism in COVID-19 – is being funded by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will examine a relationship between a polymorphism in a gene that encodes the vitamin K epoxide reductase enzyme (the VKORC1 gene) and the development of thromboembolism in COVID-19. A polymorphism in the promoter region of the VKORC1 gene determines the level of expression of the vitamin K epoxide reductase enzyme, which represents a critical step in the reduction of the vitamin K and the generation of the pro-coagulant factors (VII, IX, X, and prothrombin). We hypothesize that patients with reduced levels of the vitamin K epoxide reductase enzyme (the carriers of the AA and AG genotypes) might be less likely to develop thromboembolism during the COVID-19, due to the fact that they have “thin” blood. The project is led by Mirsada Causevic, PhD, who is a basic research scientist (, and Edin Begic, MD, MA, PhD, who is a clinical scientist ( The project started on the 1st of January 2022 and will last until the 31st of December 2022. |
Preferred period to host STSMs | – |
Preferred duration to host STSMs | < 2 Weeks |