Milica Vukićević, Science Communication Manager of our COST Action VascAgeNet, was guest in the TV show “Bolje sprečiti” in Serbia
Dr. Milica Vukićević, Science Communication Manager of our COST Action VascAgeNet, was guest in the TV show “Bolje sprečiti” (“Better to prevent”) on Zdravlje TV in Serbia on Monday 11th of May. She represented VascAgeNet in Serbia where Cardiac Surgery Clinic (Clinical Center of Serbia) and Institute of Medical Physiology (Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade) are participating this action.
Thanks to Dr. Milica Vukićević and Prof. Dr. Svetozar Putnik, Serbia and Cardiac Surgery Clinic became part of this multinational project. “We are honored to be a part of Management Committee and the CORE group in VascAgeNet. Through everyday clinical practice we are facing the consequences of vascular ageing and cardiology patients that need some kind of cardiac surgery intervention. Being in the position to find new biomarkers of vascular ageing, we will be able to improve clinical practice and to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Serbia and globally. By establishing a network for vascular ageing in Serbia, identifying and discovering new technologies, we will be also able to make innovative strategy in cardiology and cardiac surgery treatment. We are very happy to be one of 33 countries that participate in this COST Action which will work to refine, harmonize and promote the use of vascular ageing” said Milica Vukićević who also attended the COST Leadership Academy in Brussels, Belgium.