Registration is now open for webinar 11: “An Introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analysis”

Registration is now open for webinar 11. “An Introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analysis” with Professor Ana Jeroncic. It will be moderated by Prof. Gerben ter Riet, a clinical epidemiologist and principal investigator at the University Hospital of the University of Amsterdam. The webinar will be on September 29th at 11am CET.

Register here:

Ana Jeroncic is Statistical Editor with the Cochrane Review Group and Professor of Biostatistics and Research Methodology at the University of Split, Croatia. She is a member of the Statistical Specialists Network of the European Network for Health Technology  Assessment and serves as an expert in research methodology and statistics for scientific advice at European Medicines Agency. Ana received a National Science Award in 2017 for significant scientific achievements in applying biostatistical and bioinformatics tools to clinical studies. A recent research publication she is a senior author was awarded by the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) in 2020 for its impact on health service provision. From 2018, Ana is leading a national project aimed at using biomarkers of vascular ageing in cardiovascular risk stratification. She is actively involved in EU COST VascAgeNet action as the Vice leader of WG4 group and leader and vice-leader of cf-PWV and applanation tonometry subgroups, respectively.

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