Second VascAgeNet STSM finished!

Stavria-Artemis Elia, from the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics Research lab (CVEG) of the Cyprus University of Technology, performed the second Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) of one month at the Laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Medicine and Health Services Research of the School of Medicine of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, under the supervision of Dr. Areti Triantafyllou.

She collected and analyzed the results of a qualitative survey, proposed by the Working Group 5 of the VascAgeNet COST Action to more than 120 participants, about knowledge and perceptions of vascular aging. She also performed a critical review of the main new findings and is now preparing a manuscript for a future scientific publication.

Stavria-Artemis Elia gained experience on how to allocate answers to thematic groups, especially those that are vague or general, on how to process thematic groups as binary variables, and how to perform summary statistics and analysis of chi-square tables to investigate how the responses were related to participant’s characteristics.

“As our research interests (personally, and as a CVEG lab) with Dr Triantafyllou are quite similar”, said Stavria, “there is room for more collaborations in the future. I’m very excited to have carved the pathway for this with the STSM”.

For more details on STSMs, see and

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