What are you working on? Dr Scott Chiesa

What are you working on? Dr Scott Chiesa

What are you working on? Dr Scott Chiesa is a vascular physiologist whose research interests centre around a life-course approach to CVD risk factor prevention. Click here for more information: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=fkb_x6QAAAAJ&hl=en and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Scott-Chiesa

Please participate in and distribute the survey on the perceptions related to the measurement of vascular ageing!

Please participate in and distribute the survey on the perceptions related to the measurement of vascular ageing!

We are hoping to understand perceptions related to the measurement of vascular ageing of all cardiovascular health professionals and all individuals interested in the cardiovascular disease field. As such, we are undertaking an anonymous online survey in collaboration with University College London and Cyprus University of Technology. The survey was developed by the VascAgeNet Public Engagement Team and the research project has been reviewed and approved by the UCL Research

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