We are pleased to confirm that ARTERY24 full programme overview has been published! Registration is still open and there are still Exhibition Opportunities! Conference highlights Artery/VascAgeNet Roundtable on “Vascular ageing translation to practice: mind the gaps and follow the trends!” Friday morning. In person Artery/VascAgeNet WGs’ meetings at the upcoming Artery Society conference in Cardiff. Wednesday 9th October, 5-6 pm As a special tribute, the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award will
The final VascAgeNet Workshop and WG Meeting was a big success! Thanks to all 50 participants to come to our final meeting in Riga, Latvia at the Riga Stradins University. We had 41 great talks about presenting our achievements from the last 4.5 years (e.g., publications, outcomes from STSMs, ongoing activities) and three very fruitful sessions to plan and discuss future activities in the new VascAgeNet WGs under the umbrella
The final call for STSMs is open now! Please apply! The STSM has to be performed before the end of April 2024. Find more information on STSMs here: https://vascagenet.eu/short-term-scientific-missions
An important step for securing the sustainability of VascAgeNet, which ends in May 2024, were our discussions and negotiations with the Artery Society to integrate activities and working groups into the structures of the Artery Society (as informed earlier). Finally, the merge was finalized, documents signed and announced at the Artery 23 conference in the Annual Business Meeting of the Artery Society. So, we are happy to announce that our
Save the dates!!! World Vascular Ageing Week 2023 will be taking place from May 8th-12th. More information can be found here. #vascularage23 #makethearteriesvisible @ArterySociety @MayMeasureOrg @ISHBP3
Save-the-date for Artery 23 from 5th to 7th of Ocober 2023 in Bonn, Germany. This year’s conference will be jointly organized by the Artery Society, the DeGAG (Gesellschaft für Arterielle Gefäßsteifigkeit) and VascAgeNet. More information will follow! Stay tuned at https://www.arterysociety.org/our-activities-2/our-conference/!
Today we celebrate 3 years of our COST Action VascAgeNet!! A huge thank you to all members for their hard work and dedication. We have achieved so much and there is a lot more still to come! #dreamteam #teamscience #cvd #vascularage22
VascAgeNet participants were very active at this year’s Artery 22, the annual conference of the Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology. We had a networking dinner, a strategic WG meeting, a satellite symposium, an oral presentation about the awareness and perception, the launch of our new animation, a poster on the regulatory survey, ITC Grants, lots of interesting discussions, fun at the conference dinner, a strategic meeting with
Informative MC meeting followed by a virtual tour of Timisoara, the next 2023 European Capital of Culture. Thank you for organising this great social event Ioana Mozos and Nicole Schmidt (The Interactivist). You might remember the first Virtual Social Event from June last year, where we virtually visited Vienna, Austria. This year, we went East and explored the beautiful Romanian city of Timisoara, the next 2023 European Capital of Culture
What do you know about Regulation and Medical devices? Let us know by taking part in our new survey https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/REGULATORYSurvey2022 Find out more in this short video: https://youtu.be/lRskfmGfuWs