Joint VascAgeNet-ESVM session at ESVM Meeting – call for abstract

We are proud to announce that we are organising a joint VascAgeNet-ESVM session at the European Society of Vascular Medicine (ESVM) Meeting 2022 in Stockholm in October 6-8 For more information on the ESVM 2022 Congress, please visit the official homepage:

Considering the innovative research on vascular ageing and arterial stiffness performed in the VascAgeNet network (, the ESVM 2022 scientific congress committee has proposed a joint session between the network and the SVM. The session will be entitled Vascular ageing and early life programming of adult cardiovascular disease. We are now delighted to invite young VascAgeNet investigators to submit abstracts to the ESVM 2022 congress with the opportunity to participate with a 10-minute oral presentation in this joint session. VascAgeNet will cover fees (until a maximum amount of 1000 Euros) to participate to the congress for the three abstracts selected for oral presentations. We especially encourage young researchers (up to 40 years) from ITC countries to participate!!! (ITC country list is available here

The deadline for the late breaking abstract submission is July 30th and submission is performed via the congress website. To be chosen for the VascAgeNet session, please tick the box for “VascAgeNet” on the submission site.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact: ,

For detailed information, see: Information

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