After the successful second VascAgeNet training school, we had our annual large WG Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece. The meeting was used to move all VascAgeNet activities forward, to plan new activities, to discuss the future of VascAgeNet, to meet colleagues and friends from all over Europe, to exchange and create new ideas, to enjoy Thessaloniki and to have some social events (e.g., city walk, dinner) together. The meeting was a
Author Archives: Christopher Mayer
The 2nd VascAgeNet training school ended today. We welcomed 43 young researchers from 16 EU countries with a broad and excellent training program, and nice social events! Thanks to the COST Association for allowing us to train the next generation of researchers in vascular ageing! Thanks to the speakers, participants, organizers and the local organizing committee!!!
“How do you keep your heart and blood vessels healthy?” As part of World Vascular Ageing Week 2022 we invite all children to take part in our first drawing contest. For me details, see
Save the dates!!! World Vascular Ageing Week 2022 will be taking place from May 16th-20th. More information coming very soon. #vascularage22 #makethearteriesvisible @ArterySociety @MayMeasureOrg @ISHBP
NEW! Our vascular ageing educational posters (one aimed at professional users and one for the general public) are now available in 24 languages!!!! Download them here and help us to make the arteries visible..
Coming soon Vascular Ageing Awareness Event 2022… more details to follow soon. #vascularage22 #arteryawareness22@ArterySociety See information from last year:
Our new review on assessing vascular age from the photoplethysmogram:
Happy #InternationalWomensDay from everyone at @COSTprogramme @VascAgeNet
What are you working on? Dr. M Raffaella Martina is a biotechnologist and a postdoctoral researcher. Her research interests include the technical validation of software for ultrasound image processing. Find some of her work here
What a fantastic CARTESIAN investigator meeting today! investigating #vascularageing in #COVID19 survivors with scientists from all over the world! Thanks @ArterySociety and @VascAgeNet ❤️ Stay tuned for the first results – first data are currently analyzed!