Sustainability of VascAgeNet
- Christopher Mayer
- October 11, 2023
- Celebration, Dissemination, Participation
- 663
An important step for securing the sustainability of VascAgeNet, which ends in May 2024, were our discussions and negotiations with the Artery Society to integrate activities and working groups into the structures of the Artery Society (as informed earlier). Finally, the merge was finalized, documents signed and announced at the Artery 23 conference in the Annual Business Meeting of the Artery Society. So, we are happy to announce that our activities will continue within the structures of the Artery Society! 😊 We think it is an important step towards sustainability and want to express our thanks especially to Thomas Weber (former Artery president), Carmel McEniery (Artery president), Rosa Maria Bruno (former Ordinary Member and now Secretary of the Artery Society) and Alun Hughes (former Treasurer of Artery Society), who were fully supportive in the process!
The agreement includes:
- There will be three new VascAgeNet WGs within the Artery Society: (1) Knowledge Exchange WG, (2) Technological Innovation WG, and (3) Clinical Research and Practice WG covering current WGs 2-5.
- WG leaders of the three new VascAgeNet WGs are co-opted as non-voting members to the Artery Executive Committee.
- The WG leaders are initially nominated by the VascAgeNet CORE Group in agreement with the Artery Executive Committee (
- Then, the WG leaders will be elected every two years in line with the Artery Executive Committee.
- The WG leaders will be elected by all Artery members active in the WGs.
- The WG co-leaders will be nominated by the Artery Executive Committee in agreement with the WG leader (t.b.d).
- VascAgeNet Members who opt to become Artery Members until 04/05/2024 (i.e., until the end of COST Action VascAgeNet) are eligible for a 2-year Membership at a discounted rate without the need for a support letter. Future new WG participants who were VascAgeNet members can become Artery members as well without a support letter, but at the regular membership fee.
We are very happy with the outcome of all the discussions and hope for your support to prolong the success of VascAgeNet! If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Stay tuned!